Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid League Official Rules (2025)



Last updated 8/13/2021


The Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid League (“PRBFTG League” or “League”) is comprised of competitive esports gaming tournaments, featuring Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid, the popular fighting game developed by nWay.

The PRBFTG League consists of both online and offline tournaments where players compete to win Grid Points, which are tracked on a leaderboard to determine the rankings of players in the League. Additionally, there will be six major stops where the top three finishers will be gain a substantial amount of Grid Points. Furthermore, players can score additional points through our in-game feature, Episodes.

After all the sanctioned tournaments have occurred, the 7 highest ranked players from the leaderboard will be qualified to participate in the year end PRBFTG finale. Prior to the finale, there will be a last chance qualifier tournament to secure the eighth spot for the finale.


All tournaments will be Double Elimination. All matches are Best of Five. Stages are randomly selected.

Players will be ranked based on their accumulated Grid Points from the following:

  1. Episodes in-game challenge
  2. Sanctioned online tournaments
  3. Sanctioned local offline tournaments
  4. Major stops

1.1 Grid Point Distribution

Seven out of the eight players invited to the finale will be determined through ranking Grid Points. By accumulating Grid Points from Episodes, online weekly tournaments, local offline tournaments and major tournaments, these players will secure their spots by having the seven highest point accumulation.

Players will be ranked on the leaderboard based on the total Grid Points earned in the tournaments they compete in. The more Grid Points a player accumulates, the higher on the leaderboard he or she will be. Tournament Organizers will publish their tournament results publicly and nWay will track and update the Grid Points totals on the leaderboard located on the battleforthegrid.com/league page.

1.1.1 Episode Grid Point Distribution

Players can earn Grid Points through our in-game feature, Episodes starting February 5, 2020. The higher the ranking, the more Grid Points will be accumulated. A player can see their current episode rank through the Episode Leaderboard. In order to maintain balance, there are episode trophy resets, and as a result the top rankings will always change. New Episodes are introduced every four weeks and the Episode Leaderboard resets with every new Episode introduction.

Grid Points


+35 Grid Points


+30 Grid Points


+25 Grid Points

3 - 4

+15 Grid Points

5 - 10

+10 Grid Points

11 - 20

+5 Grid Points

21 - 40

1.1.2 Sanctioned Online, Offline and Major Stop Grid Point Distribution (16 player minimum starting 5/19/2020)

Starting 5/19 during COVID19

Tier NameMajorOfflineOnlineTier NameMajorOfflineOnline

1.2 Sanctioned Online Tournament Requirements and Format:

We are proudly working with the Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid community leaders to drive a Sanctioned Online Tournament for players to earn more Grid Points.

    • For points to be distributed,16players minimum required
    • Double Elimination
    • Must comply with any Stage / Character / Megazord bans as determined by nWay. These rules must be stated on the tournament page.
    • All results will be posted publicly on appropriate smash.gg link
    • nWayPlay IDs are required for all online participants in order to reward Grid Points. Tournament organizers will need to send the nWayPlay ID in correspondence to the player’s Smashgg account to nWay.
      - For the Tournament Organizer'sconvenience, we'veworkedwith SmashGGto require the player's nWayID during any PR:BFTG tournament registration. If this is not active for your tournament, please check with smashgg's customer service.
      - If multiple nWayPlay IDs were originally acquired, please link your accounts to one primary nWayPlay ID.
    • All players must have wired connection at all times as preventative measures for disconnections. Any conflicts will be resolved by the tournament organizer's discretion.
    • When possible, matches must either be streamed or spectated by a tournament staff member to avoid any disputes.
    • Use lobbies feature and host to spectate matches.
    • In the case of lobby server issues, refer to direct match making. If any disputes arise, please coordinate with your tournament organizer for resolution.
    • Have the rules above posted publicly in the tournament's smashgg in details.

      If your tournament satisfies the above, please apply through email to become a Sanctioned Event organizer. If you've previously have been Sanctioned, you can use the application button (will only show if you have a published tournament with a Power Rangers Battle for the Grid event) or continue to contact us through ouremail usto have your event sanctioned! Please note, we've revamped our current Sanctioning process as of August 2020. When sending an email, please be prepared to provide your published smashgg tournament link.

1.3 Sanctioned Offline Tournament Requirements and Format:

We are opening applications for offline tournaments to become sanctioned tournaments within the PRBFTG League. The following requirements will be necessary in order to qualify:

  • 8 players minimum required
  • Double Elimination
  • Must comply with any Stage / Character / Megazord bans as determined by nWay. These rules must be stated on the tournament page.
  • Must document all results on smash.gg and publish it for the public.
  • Top 3 must be streamed minimum.
  • nWayPlay IDs are required for all participants in order to connect and accumulate any Grid points from Episodes. Tournament Organizers are responsible for sending nWayPlayIDs to PRBFTG_League@nway.com.
    - For the Tournament Organizer's convenience, we've worked with SmashGG to require the player's nWayID during any PR:BFTG tournament registration. If this is not active for your tournament, please check with smashgg's customer service.
    - If a player doesn’t have a nWayPlay ID, points are calculated off offline points via smashgg standings only.
  • Tournament Organizers must announce what platform they are using in their tournament link.
  • Must comply with the Official League Format.
  • Tournament organizers must record all disqualifications. If failure to comply, the tournament may lose it's Sanctioned status.
  • Tournament Organizer will be responsible for recording player points on smashgg. Points will be reviewed by nWay before being posted.

    Additional Notes:

    • Examples of Offline Sanctioned events that will be accepted are Monthlies or non-reoccurring tournaments. If a weekly local tournament applies to be Sanctioned, only one tournament per month will be Sanctioned.
    • Note: Fighting Game Tournament Majors outside from the 6 previously selected: Frosty Faustings, Extra Life United 2020, Final Round, Combo Breaker, NorCal Regionals, April Annihilation, CEO Gaming may become Sanctioned events but will not distribute the same points as the above.

      If your tournament satisfies the above, please apply through email to become a Sanctioned Event organizer. If you've previously have been Sanctioned, you can use the application button (will only show if you have a published tournament with a Power Rangers Battle for the Grid event) or continue to contact us through ouremail usto have your event sanctioned! Please note, we've revamped our current Sanctioning process as of August 2020. When sending an email, please be prepared to provide your published smashgg tournament link.

  • COVID-19 Update: We will not be sanctioning any offline events at this time in respect to social distancing, quarantine and isolation. Please follow our socials for updates.1.4 Other League Ruleset Considerations

Tiebreakers - After all the sanctioned tournaments have occurred, in determining the 7 highest ranked players, if two or more players on the leaderboard have the same number of Grid Points and are in the ranks of being invited to the finale, the tiebreaker will be as follows: First, nWay will re-review the Grid Points to see if they were recorded correctly. Second, if the Grid Points are correct, the player with the higher Episode Leaderboard rank will be the winner of the tiebreaker.


Online - The user who has the disconnect issue will be kicked back into the title screen with an error message while the opponent will be granted the win. Wired connection is highly encouraged for netplay. By having a disconnect, the player forfeits that match. However, if both players are in agreement, they reserve the right to restart the match.


  1. A) The player whose controller disconnects or pauses the match will forfeit the first match. However, if both players are in agreement, they reserve the right to restart the match.
  2. B) If an external player’s controller failed to de-sync their controller from the tournament console and as a result pauses a match, the players will simply resume the match. However, if both players are in agreement, they reserve the right to restart the match.


Before Top 8

If Player A wins over Player B, and cannot continue further in the tournament to play Player C, then Player A will be considered a no show. As a result, Player C will automatically win and Player A will be disqualified from the tournament.

Entering and after Top 8

If Player A wins over Player B, but cannot continue further in the tournament in the next match, Player B will move forward in his or her place. Player A will also receive a penalty for the forfeit. The penalty will be 50% of the Grid Point he or she would have earned in the forfeited match, i.e., if the winner of the next match will win +10 Grid Points, the forfeiting player will be docked 5 Grid Points.

Prior toFinale
Player participation is at-will. We will not force any player to participate in any event. Those who are not interested in participating may forfeit their spot. If a player can not attend the Finale, the next player in the ranking leaderboard will advance in his or her place. Players have until August 23rd 2021 to forfeit their spot.

If Player A wins over Player B, but cannot continue further in the tournament in the next match, Player B will move forward in his or her place. If a player forfeits during the Finale, before the bracket begins, we will have the runner-up on the leaderboard ready to participate.

New DLC/Characters - Any new characters released will be legal for the tournament.

Eligibility - All players must be at least 13 years old. If a player is at least 13 years old, but under the age of majority in the jurisdiction in which they live (a “Minor”), he or she (i) must have the permission from his or her parent or legal guardian to register for and participate in the League, and (ii) must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at each tournament in which he/she participates. All references to “player” shall include the playerʼs parent or legal guardian if the player is a Minor.

As a result of COVID-19, the League has shifted to a virtual format to adapt. Due to this change, if a player is a minor who's interested in participating in the League may reach out to prbftg_league@nway.com and be prepared to have their parent or legal guardian sign a waiver.

Residency - TheLeague is for United States residents currently. Regions outside of these areas are not eligible for any stage of the tournament. Regions are determined by the player’s primary location. If a player outside of eligible regions enters tournaments, they will not be allowed to continue to the Top 8 finale regardless of League placement.

1.5 Limitation of Liabilities and Other Terms and Conditions


By entering and participating in a tournament, players agree to indemnify, defend, release and hold harmless nWay,Hasbro, Inc.,Lions Gate Films Inc. and SCG Power Rangers LLC, as well as each of their respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, owners, stockholders, members, directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, heirs, successors, and assigns (collectively, the “Indemnitees”) from any and all claims, demands, damages, expenses, costs (including reasonable attorneysʼ fees) and liabilities (including settlements) for any injuries, including but not limited to personal injury or death, or loss or damage of any kind, arising from or in connection with these official rules, the tournament, attendance at any tournament, or any prize, or any other matter or activity directly or indirectly related to the tournament, including but not limited to libel, slander, disparagement, defamation, copyright infringement, invasion of privacy, piracy, plagiarism, or infringement of any patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property right of any third party. This obligation shall continue beyond the term of the tournament.

Under no circumstances will any player be permitted to, and each player hereby waives all rights to, claim or recover punitive, incidental, consequential and/or special damages or any other damages (other than out-of-pocket expenses) and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, AND SO THE ABOVE MAY NOT APPLY.

All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these official rules, player’s rights and obligations, or the rights and obligations of nWay in connection with the League or any tournaments, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with California law without regard to choice of law or conflict of law rules.


2.1 “Best of Five” means the winner has won 3 matches out of the 5 maximum amount of matches.

2.3 “Double Elimination” means a tournament play where players compete in matches and advance through two brackets: a winners and loser’s bracket. If a player loses one match in the winner’s bracket, that player will drop to the loser’s bracket; if a player loses one another match in the loser’s bracket, they will be eliminated and will not move forward in the tournament.

2.4 “Episodes” refers to the in-game feature in which players compete in matches and earn medals to climb leaderboard ranks. The higher the ranking, the more Grid Points accumulated.

2.5 “Episode Leaderboard” shows the top ranked 500 players in that particular


2.6 “Episode Rank” means the player’s standing within the Episode Leaderboard.

Player can move up on the leaderboard by winning ranked matches.

2.7 “Grid Points” are defined as the points earned and accumulated from tournament within the PRBFTG League, such as Episodes, online tournaments, offline sanctioned tournaments and majors.

2.8 “Last Chance Qualifier” refers to the tournament that will happen during Evolution Championship 2020. The first place winner of that tournament will automatically qualify for the finale by securing the eighth and final invitation.

2.9 “Leaderboard” is the official leaderboard that tracks points earned in the tournaments by a player.

2.10 “Major Stops” refer to these six fighting game tournaments: Frosty Faustings (January 17-18, Chicago), Final Round (March 20-22, Atlanta), NorCal Regionals (April 10-12, San Jose), April Annihilation (April 10-12, New Jersey), ComboBreaker (May 23-25, Chicago) and CEO Gaming (June 26-28, Orlando)

2.11 “Match” means a tournament play between two players. A match is complete when a player’s team of all three characters are knocked out.

2.12 “Player” means each person who participates in a tournament in the League. Each player unconditionally accepts and agrees to comply with and abide by these rules and the decisions made by the League.

2.13 “Stages” refers to the arenas in which the players match occurs in game, i.e., Command Center, Mystic Forest, Lord Drakkon's Throne Room, Harwood

County, Zordon's Training Arena, Corinth, Planet Earth: Cenozoic Era, Delta

Base and any future stages in upcoming updates.

2.14 “Tournament” is a series of individual matches that make up a single unit of competition. Tournaments include both online and offline sanctioned events, the last chance qualifier and the PRBFTG League finale.

2.15 Tournament Organizers (or “TO”) are the respective organizer of each Tournament, any entity involved in supplying, fulfilling prizes, and/or implemented. All sanctioned tournaments will require approval via nWay.


Updated 8/13//2021


Tournament Schedule

January 2020

Offline Sanctioned Events Begin

Frosty Faustings (January 17-18, Chicago)

February 2020

Online Tournaments Begin
March2020Final Round (March 20-22, Atlanta)
- Canceled due to COVID19
April 2020

Extra Life United (April 7-9, Online)

NorCal Regionals (April, 10-12, San Jose)

- Canceled due to COVID19

April Annihilation (April 10-12, New Jersey
- Canceled due to COVID19


ComboBreaker (May 23-25, Chicago)
- Canceled due to COVID19

August 2020

Vanguard Online (8/8/2020, Online)

October 2020

First Attack Online (Online)


Frosty Faustings 2021

July 2021DreamHack Beyond

September 2021


4. Code of Conduct

CODE OF CONDUCT. All Players are expected to exhibit good sportsmanship with respect for the Tournament Organizers, other players, tournament staff and spectators for both offline and online tournaments. Any Player in violation of the Code of Conduct, or not competing in compliance with the official PRBFTG League Rules, are subject to immediate disqualification from the tournament, future participation in the PR:BFTG League, and forfeiture of potential prizes. Behavior that violatesthe Code of Conduct includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Any unwanted actions such as harassing, threatening,including and in addition to any physical contact to another Player, Tournament Organizer, audience member or any PR:BFTG League staff.
  2. Transmitting or facilitating distribution of content that is offensive, harmful, offensive, vulgar, sexually explicit, defamatory, infringing, invasive of personal privacy, intellectual property rights or publicity rights, or objectionable, including wearing or using any apparel, accessories, or equipment.
  3. Promoting, encouraging or taking action in any illegal activity, modificationor hacking of any kind. Furthermore, any Impeding or disrupting of the Tournament or match either physically, verbally or mentally.This includeshate speechsuch asvulgar language, excessive shouting, or any other disruptive methods.
  4. Violating any applicable laws including, but not limited to, by posting, transmitting, promoting, or distributing content that violates any applicable law or regulation.
  5. Intentionally disconnecting, lag switching or quitting during tournament play, except as otherwise requested by a Tournament Organizer. Additionally, player(s) engaging in any other unknown manner of tampering with gameplay.
  6. Gambling or betting on a Match, including on its outcome, and gambling or betting of any kind in the Tournament venue. This includes side-betting as an audience member.
  7. We do not accept discriminatory behavior, including but not limited to hateful expressions against people’s gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disabilities, neurodiversity, physical appearance, body size, ethnicity, nationality, race, age, religion, etc. This standard applies to participants behavior outside the events, as well.

    For any questions, please contact us at prbftg_league@nway.com

5. Prize

NWay Incwill award a prize poolof $15,000to be shared among the Top 3 finalists of the League. The prize pool will be awarded directly by nWay Inc. Additional prizing or swag may be awarded at nWayʼs sole discretion.Additional prizing is not guaranteed. Prizing may differ depending on tournament status and organizer.

Prize amounts are amounts planned as of the date of the Official Rules. All amounts are in US Dollars.

1st Place: $10,500
2nd Place: $3,000
3rd Place: $2,000

Prizes are awarded in compliance with the laws and the regulations of the country or region in which a player receiving a prize resides, and/or the specific rules of the organization, includingnWay Inc. or Tournament Organizers when applicable.Prizes that can be received by a player may be modified and/or limited on account of the laws and regulations of the country or region in which the Prize recipient resides, or the rules of an organization to which the recipient belongs.Players will be responsible for all taxes (including but not limited to federal, state, local and/or income) on any Prize won and on the value of any items or value transferred to the player by nWay Inc. or Tournament Organizer. Playerswill be required to providetheir Social Security number or Foreign tax identification number, IRS Form W8BEN, IRS Form W9, or equivalent information for tax reporting purposes.

Participating Players who do not claim the Cash Prize, or satisfy the information or documentation requirements within six (6) months of the close of a Tournament or such earlier time as designated by nWay Inc., are void, and nWay Inc. shall have no further liability or responsibility to such player(s) in connection with the cash prizes.

By participating inthe League and any related tournament, players acknowledge that TournamentOrganizershave not and will not obtain or provide insurance of any kind relating to the Prizes and that each player will be responsible for obtaining and paying for any life, travel, car, accident, property or another form of insurance relating to the Prize(s) won.

*Disclaimer: These League rules are subject to change at any time, as determined by nWay in its sole discretion. nWay reserve the right to disqualify any player, placing, or tournament for any reason, including but not limited to those listed in the Code of Conduct."

Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid League Official Rules (2025)


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